PhD Workshop

PhD Workshop

Call for research proposal submission!

Doctoral Workshop on “Advances in Manufacturing and Logistics management and control problems”


We are honored and glad to announce the introduction of a new appointment for the PhD candidates in our community: the Doctoral Workshop on “Advances in Manufacturing and Logistics management and control problems” (AML).

The workshop is proposed for the first time by TC 5.1 and TC 5.2 in collaboration with the CC 5 and INCOM 2024.

We warmly encourage the participation to this new initiative with the best wishes to leverage synergies between the experienced and the young researchers in our community, within a context that will favor research and knowledge exchanges. Our interest is to create an open environment through which it will be possible to promote insights, discussions, and guidance. We sincerely hope that this workshop will become a traditional appointment throughout different events of the community.

Doctoral Workshop details:

  • Date: August 27, 2024
  • Location: Institute of Management Science (Theresianumgasse 27, 1040 Vienna)
  • Registration fee: participation is included in the student registration fee and includes the workshop and refreshments.

Key dates:

  • 03 June 2024: submission of the PhD research proposal (see provided template)
  • 15 July 2024: notification of review results, with comments and suggestions for improvement of the PhD research proposals
  • 09 August 2024: submission of the revised PhD research proposal
  • 27 August 2024: workshop presentation, with feedback and discussions


For registration, please consider the following important information:

  • If you are already registered for the conference (based on an accepted paper), and your application for the workshop is accepted, then you can attend the PhD workshop without extra charge. Please inform the organizers of the workshop along with your application and provide ID number of your accepted paper and confirmation of your registrations.
  • If you intend just to attend the PhD Workshop in Vienna on August 27 2024 and not the conference, this is free of charge. Please inform the organizers of the workshop in this regard along with your application.
  • If none of above listed options regarding registration applies to you and your application is accepted, you must register as student before the end of July. For more information, please see the registration page.


For practical additional information, you are invited to read the Call for research proposal submission addressed to the PhD candidates of our community.

Prof. Marco Macchi (Chair of IFAC TC 5.1) –

Prof. Fabio Sgarbossa (Chair of IFAC TC 5.2) –

PhD Research Proposal Template