
Young Author Award

Young Author Award


INCOM 2024 grants an award to a young author (first author) of high-quality papers, younger than 30 at the time of the event, who will present the paper during the symposium in Vienna. The candidate must have the Student status at the time of paper submission.


The nominations may only arise from colleagues or supervisors of the young author, and should include:

  1. A motivation letter (one-page file to be uploaded) including the name of the nominee, his/her PIN (generated by IFAC PaperCept), the title of the paper, declaring that the nominee is younger than 30 at the time of the event and the PIN (generated by IFAC PaperCept) of the nominator.
  2. An evidence (e.g. copy of ID card) supporting the age declaration


Please note that Self-nominations are NOT allowed.


Nominations  should be submitted via the PaperPlaza Conference Manuscript Management System until June 14th, 2024.

For preparing the application, please use the templates offered at


The members of INCOM Young Author Award Committee will determine a short list of finalists based on the gathered reviews and on their own reading of the papers. The winner will be determined at the time of the symposium, based on the written paper and the oral presentation.


The winner certificate will be awarded during the closing ceremony of the INCOM 2024.